Golden Boot Striker Academy pricing
The cost per session is $55 including GST, offering fantastic value for money. This is a weekly training program for one hour incorporating:
• Small class size of no more than 7 players.
• In each session, we have a qualified soccer coach and a coaching assistant. This ensures the coach has time to do one-on-one coaching
• Skill development
• Soccer Striker and attacker specific "moves and tricks"
• Striker specific practice drills – our soccer program has over 60 different activities which we rotate through each session. This adds variety and experience in numerous “game-like” settings
• The core elements of a player’s football technique is reviewed and adjustments made where necessary
• Football tactics and strategy are a core component of our striker’s game. We discuss and demonstrate strategy and tactics from both a striker and attacker perspective
• We believe in continuous improvement and thus we are continually developing and modifying our football program.
• Each player is provided with a branded player’s kit including a bag, ball, training jersey, shorts, socks, jacket, and track pants. The complete kit for effective training.
Our Football Academy runs for 46 weeks per year. A cycle is six weeks and every session within the cycle is different. This variety is designed to ensure that the player's interest is maintained with activities changing each week. There are two terms Winter and Summer.
At Golden Boot Striker Academy we want to create the very best strikers in Australia. We aim for our strikers to improve dramatically and to form an important part of their team.
Let us help you to achieve your goals and dreams – register your interest today!